My wonderful and talented husband is a Graphic Designer and he said that he would make a customized blog page for me. I was so excited because he does websites for a living and has done lots of websites for family etc but I have never gotten one. So I was very excited... And I got to choose what I wanted for the theme and colors and everything it was very exciting. So anyway I am making this post to direct you to my new address...
This current blog at blogger will not longer be updated. But you can come on over to my new address and see what is going on....
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Pecans anyone?

So we got up and decided to get out today. It's so beautiful a little windy and nippy but still nice. So we put a coat on Kyboo, Chicken said he did not need one and went out for a little walk. We were headed to beside the little lake behind the Mill where we live. There is tons of pecans on the ground we got some yesterday and decided to pick up some more. Aunt Bekah gave me a yummy recipe for candied pecans and I really want to try it out. I think I have enough pecans now. So we set out with our Easter Baskets I thought this would be the easiest way to pick them up and we got quite a few. So hopefully I will get to making some candied pecans this afternoon. =-)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Remembering Maddie ..
I have not really felt like writing a post lately. I have just been so sad this week... The passing of Maddie Spohr has so touched me more then I thought it would. I have been reading up on her to short life and my heart just aches for her mom and dad, Mike and Heather Spohr. We had a great Easter service this past Sunday but at the end when we were singing all I could do was just cry and think of that poor family. Praying them that God would give them grace during this very difficult time and comfort and touch them somehow. I almost felt guilty last night as I was going to sleep knowing that my own little girl was safe and sound asleep in our room...she is only 2 days older then Maddie I think this is why this has touched me so much. Maddie reminds me so much of my Kyboo. I hold onto her even tighter and to my Chicken, Mason. I love them so much and thank God for them. Today is Maddie's funeral.. and I can't even begin to imagine how hard this will be for her parents. I am praying for them continually today. I keep trying to put myself in their place and how I might handle that and can't even bring myself to mentally go there. All I can do is pray that God will enfold them and hold them so close and tight and give them peace. I can't do anything else.....
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Maddie Spohr

I just happened to run across this from a Flylady Twitter.. And I have been so touched and saddened by this story. I think I have been so touched because one she was such a beautiful little girl who looked so full of life and two she is exactly 2 days younger then my Kyboo.... And I just cannot imagine the heartache and grief that this family must be going through. As I write this I am wiping tears away it's just so sad. I am so thankful for my healthy little girl.... and I love her so much... I could not imagine if anything happened to her. It is at times like that you have to concede that God has a bigger plan and we just don't understand it. My Thoughts and prayers are with this family.... I did not know them but non the less I am saddened by their grief and loss....
Check out their website below.. also please donate to the March of Dimes on behalf of Maddie Spohr.. There is a banner on their website to donate.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Here is my calzone.....
So here is a picture of the yummy calzones I made yesterday for my sister and her family when they came over. They turned out really good. And also here is a picture of my bread it turned out really good yesterday too. I have a busy day today but I just wanted to post these picture up really quick. =-)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
This is a quick one....
I have told myself that I would try and blog everyday well at least every week day.. I got up at a decent time this morning people who know me know I like to stay up late and sleep late. And sad to say I have trained my chickens to sleep late too LOL.. Which I know my husband must appreciate on the weekends. It lets us sleep later. But we are having my sister and her 7 kids over for lunch today... She home schools all her kids which is really nice because then we can have these afternoon lunch/ play date. I plan to make calzones today yum.... I make sourdough bread I got the recipe and starter from my mom. So I just use the bread dough and make my calzones stuff them with meat and yummy cheese cook and walah yummyiness wrapped in bread dough. So needless to say I need to get off the computer and get to work. Sigh so guess I will chat at you later.. I will try to post some pictures of my yummy calzones... =-)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Forced Volunteer work...... H. R. 1388

Well I am riled up today... My husband told me about this bill the H.R.1388- Mandatory Youth Service Bill they are trying to pass. See link below..
Now on the outside this sounds great -volunteer work for our youth and teens right? But my friend this is forced volunteer work that is right forced. So there would be no choice for our kids now the first thing that comes to my mind is the Hitler Youth ... they started out "great" I am sure if anything associated with Adolf Hitler could start out "great". But the Hitler Youth continued and soon all other volunteer organizations were funneled into this one group and it was mandatory. And those kids were brain washed and look where that led.. This was not an over night thing the groups started in 1922 and ran until 1945. So I am sure most Americans would be like well hello this is America "that" could never happen "here". Yeah right open your eyes look at the road we are headed down. The first wake up call should of been the school children singing Obama's praises.. see link below.
I just really fear where this country is headed if we don't wake up and see where they are taking us. We have no checks and balances now the Congress , the Senate and the Executive Branch are all being run by the same party. And with this whole bail out mess I mean come on even many Democrats now are thinking this thing won't we are basically spending our children and grand children's money for what? For them to further their socialistic agenda. I know they blame this whole thing on Bush but really it's done nothing but gone down hill and rapidly since he took office and soon the Democrats will have to take responsibility for all this spending not to even mention the "pork" spending which Obama was never going to let pass he was going to go over it "line by line" . Now what happened to that?
Oh well I will quit my rant. But honestly people for those of you who voted for your precious Obama and his wonderful "Change" about two years from now when you start to get taxed out the ying yang and all this wonderful "Change" starts to effect you too and your kids. Well we tried to warn you......
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I want Chips for Breakfast....
These are the words that greeted me when I got up this morning. After Mason was up and dressed he wanted a "snack" this is what he calls breakfast. I mean he knows it's breakfast but I guess to him it sounds edgier like the food will be better if he calls it a snack. So I was getting him cereal which he has most mornings and yes it's dry because I just can't deal with cereal and milk yet. And he was like hey mommy I want chips. I was like no we don't eat chips for breakfast. Guess he thought I did not hear him the first time as he is jumping around like a monkey they have so much energy as I am trying to drag my butt around getting coffee ready and his snack. He was like mommy Chips!.. I said Mason didn't you hear me no chips for breakfast.. Then he patted me on the back and said oh yeah you are right Mommy no chips for breakfast. This cracks me up because he is only 3 and can be so diplomatic already. He told me my shirt this morning was pretty. I am still in my pajamas. Sweet boy. But anyway then that got me to thinking.... how quickly he has changed... and grown. I can't believe he is three already. How do they go from such a tiny baby to such a big boy so quickly... My mom always told me that time would fly by but it certainly does. In two years he will be in kindergarten and I don't even want to think about that. =-( Seems we want our kids to rush and hurry and walk then hurry and talk then the next thing and the next thing... it just all goes by to quickly. I wish I could just freeze this age. Because sometimes with all the daily stresses of dealing with the house and both kids you tend to miss the little things.....

Monday, March 16, 2009
It's Monday again but it was a great Anniversary weekend...
So it's Monday and here I am trying to get motivated to move for the day. I am definitely not a morning person. I down at least 8 cups of coffee a day which I know is bad but I have this problem with staying up late. Last night it was 2 am before I finally went to sleep. And then of course poor Ben gets roped into staying up late but he does tend to stay up late too. But I can blame part of last night on Kyboo the girl would not I mean would NOT go to sleep. She has molars coming in poor thing and we would put her down and then she would wake up. Since she and Mason are in the same room I did not want her to wake him up. So anyway I finally gave her some Tylenol and that must of done the trick because she went to sleep finally after that. Poor baby getting teeth especially the big ones are really hard.
Speaking of Miss Priss she is going through this awful NO!!! stage everything is no. HI Kyboo "NO!" she tells you. It's actually quite hard to deal with this stage and it's new to me because I was not home with Mason at this age. So I can see how trying it will be.
So this weekend was my 11 year anniversary. And my wonderful husband's 35 birthday we got married on his birthday and of course we always hear the old adage well at least he won't forget your anniversary but no one comments that I tend to forget it's his birthday sometimes. And I feel bad he has to share his day. We did not go out of town this year but we plan to next month. We really had no clue what to do I mean a dinner and a movie really gets old after a while and movies are $20 for two now and I must be getting old because I actually prefer to watch them at home. If you have to go to the bathroom halfway through you can stop the movie or lay down if you want can't do that in a theater. So my mom watched the Chickens and we decided to go to ABC for dinner ( Atlanta Bread Company) not a liquor store. And it was very nice it was cold and rainy and we got yummy soup. Does not sound like a very exciting dinner destination but hey when you have kids and you finally get to eat alone a McDonald's would be heaven because you don't have to keep you kid from knocking over their drink, your drink or dropping food on the floor or of them talking really loud which they tend to do in restaurants. So anyway needless to say it was VERY nice. So then we just went to a couple of stores and then ended up at Barnes and Noble... got some yummy coffee from the Star Bucks and then just sat and read books ahh it was lovely. So we had a great anniversary. Funny thing was I could not wait to get away from the Chickens but after about 3 hours I really missed them and could not wait to get my hands on them when we got home. Chickens can be a pain but it sure would be boring without them......
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
A new President.
So we got a new President today... Now I did not vote for him and do not agree with half of what he stands for but I do respect the office and he is our President now. So I will pray for his Salvation and that he will be a good leader. But if he raises taxes on us well we tried to warn you.....
Thursday, January 15, 2009
All I want is a cape like Batman.....
So Mason is now 3 and he got lots of Imaginext Batman toys and of course this means that Mommy and Daddy have had the joy of being Robin .. Yeah fun! LOL but seriously it has been really near seeing his imagination grow and have him carry on little conversations with his Batmen because of course he got more the one. Anyway as I was playing with Robin and Batman this I wondered why doesn't Robin have a cape like Batman is it because he is just the Boy Wonder I think so anyway. I just thought it was interesting so I started to sing "All I want is to be like Batman and have a cape.". I guess my song was not appreciated because Mason told me to stop LOL! Anyway that has been our morning so far well that a a getting up early because maintenance is supposed to come and change our filter when . No one knows.:)
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