So it's Monday and here I am trying to get motivated to move for the day. I am definitely not a morning person. I down at least 8 cups of coffee a day which I know is bad but I have this problem with staying up late. Last night it was 2 am before I finally went to sleep. And then of course poor Ben gets roped into staying up late but he does tend to stay up late too. But I can blame part of last night on Kyboo the girl would not I mean would NOT go to sleep. She has molars coming in poor thing and we would put her down and then she would wake up. Since she and Mason are in the same room I did not want her to wake him up. So anyway I finally gave her some Tylenol and that must of done the trick because she went to sleep finally after that. Poor baby getting teeth especially the big ones are really hard.
Speaking of Miss Priss she is going through this awful NO!!! stage everything is no. HI Kyboo "NO!" she tells you. It's actually quite hard to deal with this stage and it's new to me because I was not home with Mason at this age. So I can see how trying it will be.
So this weekend was my 11 year anniversary. And my wonderful husband's 35 birthday we got married on his birthday and of course we always hear the old adage well at least he won't forget your anniversary but no one comments that I tend to forget it's his birthday sometimes. And I feel bad he has to share his day. We did not go out of town this year but we plan to next month. We really had no clue what to do I mean a dinner and a movie really gets old after a while and movies are $20 for two now and I must be getting old because I actually prefer to watch them at home. If you have to go to the bathroom halfway through you can stop the movie or lay down if you want can't do that in a theater. So my mom watched the Chickens and we decided to go to ABC for dinner ( Atlanta Bread Company) not a liquor store. And it was very nice it was cold and rainy and we got yummy soup. Does not sound like a very exciting dinner destination but hey when you have kids and you finally get to eat alone a McDonald's would be heaven because you don't have to keep you kid from knocking over their drink, your drink or dropping food on the floor or of them talking really loud which they tend to do in restaurants. So anyway needless to say it was VERY nice. So then we just went to a couple of stores and then ended up at Barnes and Noble... got some yummy coffee from the Star Bucks and then just sat and read books ahh it was lovely. So we had a great anniversary. Funny thing was I could not wait to get away from the Chickens but after about 3 hours I really missed them and could not wait to get my hands on them when we got home. Chickens can be a pain but it sure would be boring without them......
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